Wednesday, September 30, 2009

If I Could Bottle This Smell...

Eau de Banana Bread?

I decided today to make a Banana Bread. Its cold outside, feeling fallish, and for some reason that makes me think of Banana Bread...

I started to get everything ready and realized my bananas were not even close to being ripe enough! So I came across this resolution and thought I would share!

Carmeralize Unripe Bananas

2-3 bananas

4 tbsp

-6 tablespoons granulated sugar (or more)

cooking spray (regular or butter flavor)


1. Slice bananas into thick coins

2. Pour sugar onto a plate. Roll bananas in sugar, until completely coated.

3. Spray a medium size nonstick pan, and heat over medium high heat. Add bananas butter and sugar.

4. Cook bananas until light to golden brown underneath, about 4-5 minutes (you can lift with a spatula to peak).

Be careful not to overcook or burn them (if you smell them browning, or see color in the pan, flip them right away)

5. Gently flip bananas over to brown other side, turning heat down to medium. The second side will brown in about one minute.
Only half an hour left until this baby is DONE!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Ladies and Gentlemen!!

I am proud to introduce my newest venture, A Fine Line Custom Artwork & Graphic Design. Let me know what you think of the logo and name before I set it in stone ;)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Quarter Century To My Little Sis!


My sister turned 25 yesterday! I can deal with the fact that I'm 27, but her being 25 REALLY makes me feel old! It seems like just yesterday we were fighting like cats and dogs, playing barbies, sleeping in the same room, and playing the little mermaid together.
She is one amazing girl! I couldnt ask for much more in a sister.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ode To Photoshop

What else would I do with my spare time?

I had a few spare moments this afternoon... so what do I do? PHOTOSHOP! Most women I know are SHOPaholics.. I on the other hand am a PHOTOshopaholic! I love photoshop, I simply can't get enough of it!

When you see these glamorous women in magazines, do NOT be fooled... check out what I did to a picture I took while laying on my couch today :)

C Is For Cookie

What to do on this first day of fall...
Today is a get things done kind of day! My mom is coming for a visit tomorrow so I have a little bit of tidying to do, and I'm thinking of making some oatmeal cookies!

I have never attempted to make oatmeal cookies, so wish me luck! My sister laughs at me now and calls me Suzy Home Maker. I can honestly say I have never been one for cooking or baking, but I'm finding it coming more naturally to me now... I dont know if it's my maternal instinct kicking in, or if I'm just bored. Regardless the house has been smelling of home cooked meals and fresh baking. Good for the kids, bad for my waist line! :) :)

I am finding it SO hard to lose this baby weight! I know I know, baking will NOT help... I have decided that by New Years Eve I will have lost 25 lbs... THIS is my goal... I want 30... but lets stick with 25 for now.

I am beginning to think I am one of those people who needs a support system. I need someone to kick me in the *&@ and get me moving! Hopefully I will be able to stick to a plan once the cold weather hits.

I am going to post my progress on here, as long as I see results... if not I wont post a thing in the hopes that whoever reads this will forget my mentioning this :).

With that said, I am off to do dishes, sweep, and make cookies!

Ta ta for now!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Good-Bye Summer!

We officially have an hour and a half left of summer!

I can NOT believe how quickly it has flown by! Rob keeps telling me that time as I have grown to know it is no longer! I'm starting to realize this as the truth!

HOWEVER.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE fall! I can't wait for hay rides and St. Jacobs and Thanksgiving and fall walks and crisp air! AND HALLOWEEN!

I absolutely adore Halloween! I used to go to the Chum Halloween Party with my friends every year, but last year and this year have/will be different. Last year was hard for me as I desperately wanted to go out. This year I have something else I'm looking forward to. I splurged and bought my little guy the most adorable outfit ever! Its taking so much will power to not put it on him...must...wait...until...halloween...

I suppose that is it for this evening. I will talk to you all in the FALL!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Ooh, Look At What I Found!

How Quickly We Forget!

I was doing some work today and came across this picture!
I forgot all about it and thought I would share!

The bottom right picture (the plaques and hangers) are MINE!!! I designed them for the company I work for. This is an article from People Magazine from a year ago, but exciting none the less!

How exciting that J-Lo liked my work :) Unfortunately I am not doing much more home decor, but focusing on the scrapbooking aspect of it. Common celebrities, buy my scrapbook products!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One Post, Two Post, Three Post, Four....

I have tried 3 times already to post a new blog entry!

For some strange reason it keeps timing out on me. TRUST me, they arent long posts, so I'm thinking has a grudge against me ;)
I was going to go into detail about my weekend, the beautiful end of summer days, campfires, s'mores, mosquito bites... but I'm getting a little tired of re writing the same thing over and over :)
I WILL go into some detail about the mosquito bites however! My poor little dude has had his first encounter! And it wasnt a good one! He has about 8 on his poor little head, 5 of which are very swollen! Now he's getting a rash all over his body! I took him to the clinic last night and was perscribed some medication for him, so lets hope it helps. A grown person would have a hard time dealing with those bites, let alone a little 5 month old!
On the note of children, I just have an itty bitty bit of venting to do! As you may know, I worked for a scrapbooking company. I LOVE what I do, but my boss leaves a little to be desired. Anyways, I told them I would do some work for them while on mat leave providing it didnt conflict with my babys needs. So, when asked last minute to do some thing, I emailed back and told them I couldnt get it to them right away because my babe was sick and we'd had a rough few nights. Basicly I was told that the work was more important and if I couldnt comply then I would have to figure out what was important to me. Hmm... tough one *rolls eyes*
I have been fooling around on twitter again today... honestly, the only thing it's good for is following celebrity drama! Some of it is quite funny, but not really worth my time.
Guess what tonight is!!!!!!!!!!!!! The FINALE of BIG BROTHER!! If my man Jeff can't win then I'm in it for Jordan! Thumbs up to all blondes! ;)
On that note (celebrities)... RIP Patrick Swazye!! And in the words of Sam to Molly. "It's amazing Molly. The love inside, you take it with you."
Alrighty, I'm off for now!

Friday, September 11, 2009

My Artwork

How to make money...

I am trying to find ways to be able to stay home once my maternity leave is up. I`m going to get some wildlife artwork done and start selling them in various sizes, as postcards, etc. I also do some custom artwork/tattoo design.

I LOVE art... it is an escape for me. I have never put much time or effort into it, despite the wants of my friends and family. I guess it comes down to not having the confidence in what I do. Its time to start building that confidence and kick some drawing butt!!!

Here are a few examples of my work, if you would like, or know anyone who would like artwork done, let me know!

What to do on a Friday afternoon

How my life has changed...

I am sitting at home, watching my five month old yell at Maury Povich. I dont blame him, these DNA testing shows are getting old!

A year ago I would have been at work, designing one thing or another. Probably making plans to go out on a Friday night.

At times I feel lonely, a little withdrawn from society and missing work. Then I look at my chatty baby and realize I have already created the most beautiful thing ever!

I`m hoping to get myself up and running soon. Between a brand new baby and watching my Fiances kids for the summer, I havent had much ME time.

Wish me luck!